I'm so glad I can finally share this, as it's the main reason I've been taking AGES with orders recently. We weren't supposed to tell anyone other than family until after 12 weeks, but it turns out the news is already spreading and we wanted to be the ones to announce it first. I had a bit of a scare last week so we were sent for a scan which showed that everything is going well. We saw the little heartbeat which was hugely reassuring, and even 3rd time around, seeing that little dot on the screen is absolutely amazing! I can't explain how much we love him/her already and we can't wait to be a family of five (although I have to admit I sometimes think I must be mad LOL).

It looks like the head is on the left but that's actually the yolk sac, and our baby is that tiny little smudge underneath :) We can't wait for our 12 week scan, providing all goes well. Amazing how something so small can make me feel soooo poorly, but that explains why orders have been taking a while. It's hard to concentrate when I feel so sick and all I want to do is sleep LOL. I'll still be taking orders as usual throughout my pregnancy but will be limiting how much work I take on.
Also, the giveaway ends today! Winners will be announced around 8pm tonight so you still have until then to enter. Just leave a comment on the post underneath (not this one) and your name will be entered. Thank you to everyone who has entered so far, and good luck :)